That sweet tooth can be hard to deny on Halloween, but if you wear braces you have to steer clear of the candy that could ruin your brackets and wires. Adult and teen orthodontic patients approach October 31 with trepidation and, in many cases, determination to cheat just a little. No one wants to ruin your fun, just be cautious about the candy you choose to indulge in, so you don’t find yourself at the orthodontist for an emergency repair on November 1.
7 Things You Need to Know About Invisalign Attachments
Invisalign aligners don’t do all the hard work of straightening teeth by themselves. They get some help from little dots affixed to the teeth known as attachments. Not every Invisalign patient needs attachments, but many do. Here is what to expect from the attachments on your Invisalign aligners.
Invisalign Will Give You a More Kissable Smile
When you have crooked, gapped, or misaligned teeth, you’re less likely to smile, but you may also be doing less kissing than you would like. With Invisalign braces, your teeth will straighten up subtly and quickly, so you’re ready to pucker up whenever the opportunity arises.
Get a New Smile in the New Year with Invisalign
It’s easy to make New Year’s resolutions. It’s not always easy to keep them. Invisalign is a responsibility, so once you’re in it, you’re in it. For some people, that’s a good thing. You need that commitment to keep you motivated. Invisalign demands your attention every day but, in the process, no one needs to know you’re under the care of a Lawrenceville orthodontist.
Eat, Drink, and Be Merry with Invisalign
Did you remember to include yourself on your gift list this holiday season? Self-care is incredibly important, and if you’re dealing with oral health issues that are getting in the way of feeling good and being happy, it’s time to consider how you can stuff your own stocking full of joy. Your Lawrenceville Orthodontists recommend Invisalign for some seriously good holiday cheer.
Gobble Up Thanksgiving When You Wear Invisalign
If there is one thing braces-wearers could change, most of them would wish for zero food restrictions. Those brackets and wires can be limiting, and sometimes it’s the foods you love most that get nixed from your diet while braces are in place. Invisalign is the orthodontic alternative to conventional dental braces – constant, but not permanent, so you can eat whatever, whenever, and wherever you like. And being able to dig in to your favorite foodstuffs is especially important at Thanksgiving!
5 Reasons Invisalign-Wearers Love Halloween
Braces and Halloween do not always go together nicely, but Invisalign and Halloween certainly do! When you have clear aligners, they won’t get in the way of how you look or what you eat – and, as everyone knows, these are the most important aspects of October 31.
Invisalign: It’s a Numbers Game
Every Invisalign treatment is customized to the patient. Your teeth, your alignment, your unique sets of aligners. There are, however, plenty of Invisalign rules that every wearer must follow, no matter why you’re getting your teeth straightened, and most of the details come down to a numbers game.
Your Invisalign Teen Questions Answered
When it’s time for your child to get braces, they may express an interest in Invisalign Teen. Not every orthodontic patient qualifies for this alignment method but the adolescents who do are grateful for the opportunity to get straight teeth without drawing attention to themselves. Here is what parents need to know about Lawrenceville Invisalign Teen.
How Exactly Does Lawrenceville Invisalign Work?
Invisalign treatment is customized to every wearer. The number one rule for wearing Invisalign, however, is the same for every patient: Follow your Lawrenceville Invisalign provider’s instructions. Any type of orthodontic treatment depends on the efforts of patient – it’s your responsibility to make Invisalign work the way it is intended. Do what you’re told and you’ll get the straight, healthy, beautiful smile you’ve always wanted.