Transform Your Self-Esteem with Invisalign

Embarrassed by the state of your teeth? Those overlapping front teeth, the gapped teeth, the crowding, and more? Your self-esteem doesn’t deserve to take a hit because of a less-than-perfect smile. You can transform the appearance of your teeth with Invisalign, a nearly invisible orthodontic treatment that gives you a permanent, straight, gorgeous smile – and a whole lot of amazing confidence.

How Different Types of Braces Affect Self-Esteem

Many teens and adults who need conventional dental braces take a bit of a self-esteem hit when the brackets and wires are first applied. Teenagers have an easier time dealing with this change because so many peers are in the same situation. Adults who work face-to-face with others or engage regularly online with people can feel very self-conscious about such an alteration to their appearance.

Some adults opt instead to talk to their Lawrenceville orthodontist about clear braces. These ceramic or tooth-colored brackets and wires blend into tooth enamel and are difficult to see. They do still come with the minor side effects of irritated gum tissue and poking wires but the problems fade quickly.

Some of the most content orthodontic patients – especially adults – are those who invest in Invisalign treatment. If you’re a good candidate for Invisalign, you will wear super-thin, clear aligners that snap onto the teeth and begin to change the appearance and position of your teeth within a few weeks. Your smile will get better every day until the work is complete, often in a year or less.

Rely on the Invisalign Transformation

Incredible confidence is an amazing side effect of Invisalign. Once wearers have gotten past the initial few weeks of treatment, the tiny lisp and weird feeling of an aligner snapped onto your teeth, the treatment cycle is easy. There is consistency, trays get changed out about every two weeks, and before you know it those pesky imperfections have all but disappeared.

Keep the following in mind on your journey to beautiful self-esteem:

  • Teeth roots and crowns must both move at the same time, so even when your teeth look better, there is still work happening under the gumline.
  • Wearing the trays consistently until your orthodontist tells you that you’re done is a non-negotiable if you want Invisalign to truly work.
  • Invisalign makes your teeth look so great so quickly if you wear the trays as instructed and all the hard work is subtly done day after day.
  • Each tooth is carefully moved where it needs to be to deliver a smile that boosts self-esteem permanently.

Hello Smile: The Invisalign Self-Esteem Transformation

Because Invisalign is removable, you can take the trays off when needed as long as they’re worn 20 to 22 hours a day. That means if you want them out of a certain photo or Facetime call or first date, it can happen. Invisalign patients also have the luxury of no restrictions when it comes to eating. Since the trays are removed for meals, you can eat your faves if your tender teeth allow it.

If you are interested in Invisalign or your adolescent wants to talk about the possibility of Invisalign Teen, schedule an appointment with your Lawrenceville Orthodontist for information.